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Hydrovac Excavation and Jetting Services in Northern BC

NSS offers hydrovac excavation and jetting services in Terrace, Kitimat, and Prince Rupert. Hydrovac excavation is the least destructive method of digging. It utilizes pressurized water and a powerful vacuum system to quickly and safely expose buried utility lines, sewer pipes, gas lines, and other infrastructure. Every day, somewhere in the country, there is someone digging carelessly, causing damage to utilities, property and sometimes personnel.

Using a hydrovac can eliminate or reduce those risks, making you more productive and safer. When you require digging in Terrace, Kitimat, or Prince Rupert, consider NSS for your hydrovac excavation needs. We have more than 14 years of experience and clients have come to trust us for our outstanding customer service and reliable work.

Jetting Services 

In addition to hydrovac excavation, we use our pressurized water truck for jetting. Some of the jetting services that we offer are as follows -

Culvert Cleaning
Sewer Main Line Cleaning
Sewer Lateral Jetting
Utility Service Box Cleaning
Catch Basin Cleaning
Lift Station Cleaning
Hot Water Steam Cleaning For Frozen Pipes And General Purposes
Sewer Main Video Services

Wondering If Hydrovac Excavation Is The Right Choice For You?

Our experienced team can help you make the right decision.


Prompt Services

“Norco responded very quickly to us after a weekend yard party in Kitimat. I recommend Norco because they are fast and prepared for situations that most people DON'T want to handle by themselves!”


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